Monday, December 30, 2019

Carry A Homeless Heroine Addict - 929 Words

Carry is a Homeless Heroine Addict The video is about Carry who is 21 years old and is a heroine dependent. She was a very talented boxer touch and determine as her mother describes her. However, her life changed negatively due to her heroin addiction. Carries father was her boxing trainer and describes her as a privilege girl that travel around the world and conquer what she wants. But, carries heroin vice became her into a homeless addict. Carries s heroin life style consumed her a lot that She run away from home and slept on the streets to get access to heroine. She stopped practicing boxing and just wanted to consume heroin every day. OfCourse she wants to take action and turn her life into better and decided to go to a rehabilitation center. She got to stay there for four months but she ran away. she couldn t stand the strong withdrawals that are part of the heroin abstinence process and went back to vice. Carry s heroine disorders on tv represent a lot of people with substance abuse challenges. However, she does not represent the most people with heroin dependency because she could endure the addiction afterwards. , since heroin Abuse leads to one of the worst abstinence effects, there are just few heroin users that can cope with this substance disorder. The fact is that according the statistics discussed in class the 71 percent of the U.S population are struggling with the opiate disorders, especially heroine. Moreover, Globally 16.5Show MoreRelatedDrug Abuse in Modern Day Society1175 Words   |  5 PagesDrugs: Positives And Negatives In Our Society Imagine a man who is in his late 20’s, a recent graduate of medical school, happily married to his high school sweetheart. He is about to have a child right when his addiction to heroine flourishes. Due his inability to quit the addiction, he loses his job and his wife no longer wants anything to do with him, which leads him to have nothing left. He is thrown out on the streets, without any will to change his life around and get back on track. WhileRead MoreExonerated3838 Words   |  16 Pagesre-opened to no avail. It was due to an organization called The Innocence Project New Orleans who take their case up and conducted an investigation of their own. (Clapp, 2011) What they found out was the testimony of the star witness came from a heroine drug addict; she falsified her name because she had a criminal history of her own, and due to the location of her residence, there was no feasible way she bore witness to the things she attested to, it would have been physically impossi ble. (Clapp, 2011)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Role Of Ehr And Electronic Medical Record ( Emr )

Welcome to the world of change, no matter how well we deal with change, it s continuous and shows no signs of abating any time soon. In order to remain competitive in this environment, healthcare organizations need to improve patient safety, revenue capture, operational efficiency, and clinical outcomes. Electronic Health Record (EHR) was the first step to transformed health care. An Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a real time digital version of a patient’s paper chart that make information available instantly and securely to authorized users. EHR contain a patient’s medical history, diagnoses, medications, treatment plans, immunization dates, allergies, radiology images, and laboratory and test results. Allow access to evidence-based†¦show more content†¦For years the government is being struggling to protect patients information, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was enacted by the United States Congress in 1996. Title II of HIPAA defines policies, procedures and guidelines for maintaining the privacy and security of individually identifiable health information as well as outlining numerous offenses relating to health care and sets civil and criminal penalties for violations. However, the most significant provisions of Title II are its Administrative Simplification rules, requiring the Department of Hea lth and Human Services (HHS) to draft rules aimed at increasing the efficiency of the health care system by creating standards for the use and dissemination of health care information. In 2003 the federal government enacted the HIPAA Privacy Rule ,April 14, 2003, regulates the use and disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI) held by covered entities (generally, health care clearinghouses, employer sponsored health plans, health insurers, and medical service providers that engage in certain transactions.) By regulation, the Department of Health and Human Services extended the HIPAA privacy rule to independent contractors of covered entities who fit within the definition of business associates The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, passed as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, was

Saturday, December 14, 2019

La Lodge and Entr’acte Free Essays

I think that the poem entr’acte describes the painting very well. It brings across the feelings of the two people in it in a very good and sensitive way. Firstly the title of the poem -‘entr’acte’ makes the poem sound elegant and impressive, or even sophisticated. We will write a custom essay sample on La Lodge and Entr’acte or any similar topic only for you Order Now The title means in between acts which describes the painting very well because she is just sitting there and he has his eyes on things completely away from the stage. Entr’acte also sounds a bit like ‘attract’ so maybe that has something to do with it. At the start of the poem it says ‘the cuff links whispers to the glove, such elegance and all for love’ I think in These lines the man speaking and he is saying to himself how elegant he is in his suit, (maybe he is being vain) and he how has done it all for love, maybe the love of the woman sitting in front of him or maybe the women he is looking at through his binoculars. Then in the second stanza ‘the glove confesses to the glass, oh how slowly five acts pass.’ I think that it is the woman speaking about herself and how slowly five acts pass. Maybe the five acts pass slowly because she is not interested in the performance and is bored or maybe it is because she is waiting for the end so she can get away and do something else. In the first line of the third stanza, ‘the glass is lifted to the eye’ I think this maybe the poet speaking, doing a running commentary of what is going on. On the second line of the stanza,’ Show me a tear I cannot dry’ I think this is the glass speaking about how the woman might be crying inside. She might be crying in the inside because the man is horrible to her or maybe because she just does not want to be there. Its like she’s crying inside but is holding herself together so she doesn’t show it. In the first line of the forth stanza ‘The eye shows nothing to the eye’ I think this means that if you look at someone you cant judge them by what they look like because you cant see what they are like inside. In the second line ‘such elegance and all for art’ I think It could be the man talking and saying that she was there displayed in the front of the box just for show. To say to the other people there that yes he could have a beautiful woman, or she could be there to make other woman jealous. Maybe the line means something completely different and the poet is saying ‘such elegance’- because they are all dressed up in beautiful clothes, and ‘all for art’- because In the end the people in the picture were probably there just to pose for the artist to paint them. In the painting it has the woman at the front of the picture- is this just so the man can show her off or is it because he is being a gentleman and letting her sit in front so she can see better. He is sitting at the back his could because if he looks up at other woman in the audience she won’t be able to see. She is also wearing flowers by her face and breast as if to draw attention to these features. Her face is fixed, and her eyes especially make her look sad inside as if she is trying to put on a show, to hide her emotions in public. Her lips are bright red maybe for love, anger, passion or lust. Her dress is black and white stripes like a prisoners clothes, maybe she’s trapped by the man behind her from freedom. Overall I think that the man behind her is using her to show of to the woman he is maybe looking at in the audience. He has dressed her and himself up in very exquisite and elegant clothes just for the show and to make him look wealthy. I think she is sad and upset that she is trapped as a model for him and is bored by the whole performance; she not very interested in it and probably wants to be somewhere else. How to cite La Lodge and Entr’acte, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Taxation Law and Ordinary Income

Question: Case study 1: Residence and source Fred, an executive of a British corporation specializing in management consultancy, comes to Australia to set up a branch of his company. Although the length of his stay is not certain, he leases a residence in Melbourne for 12 months. His wife accompanies him on the trip but his teenage sons, having just commenced college, stay in London. Fred rents out the family home. Apart from the absence of his children, Freds daily behavior is relatively similar to his behavior before entering Australia. As well as the rent on the UK property, Fred earns interest from investments he has in France. Because of ill health Fred returns to the UK 11 months after arriving in Australia. Requirement Discuss whether Fred is a resident of Australia for taxation purposes. ( maximum 450 words) Case study 2: ordinary income Explanations of the respective outcomes reached by the courts in the following cases which all involving sales of land Californian Copper Syndicate Ltd v Harris (Surveyor of Taxes) (1904) 5 TC 159 Scottish Australian Mining Co Ltd v FC of T (1950) 81 CLR 188 III. FC of T v Whitfords Beach Pty Ltd (1982) 150 CLR Statham Anor v FC of T 89 ATC 4070 Casimaty v FC of T 97 ATC 5135 Moana Sand Pty Ltd v FC of T 88 ATC 4897 VII. Crow v FC of T 88 ATC 4620 VIII. McCurry Anor v FC of T 98 ATC 4487 Answer: Case Study 1- Residence and Source Fred will be taxed as resident in Australia as because he has lived in Australia for eleven months before returning back to England and the income, which is earned, from France during his employment in England will also be taken into the considerations at the time of Australian tax assessment. It should be noted that the issues of residency is complicated to assess and it is much likely dependent upon the individual personal circumstances. However, it must be noted that one should not put enough stress on the significance of lucidity regarding the subject of nationality and immigrants attaining suitable advice rather in advance of a particular business venture or undertaking a contract. Fred is principally an Australian regarding taxation purpose as he as spent more than 183 days. A migrant concerning their terms of their emigrant visa who lives in Australia for more than 183 days incessantly or sporadically is liable to be taxed. Fred also held a land on a lease of 12 months and stayed with his wife before returning to his native country due to ill health. According to Australian tax agency, an individual is only spared by the commissioned to tax when he satisfied because his natural place of dwelling is outside Australia and he hardly had any intentions of taking up the residence. According to the domicile test it is to be understood that Taxation rulings of Income Tax 2650 defines that the nation state in which an individual is born unless one travels to other country and then one adopts a residence of his own choice. Under the given case study, Fred who is a British resident intends to set up his business in Australia. However, the term of stay is not sufficient meanwhile; he also took a house on lease for a period of twelve months and stayed in Australia for a period of eleven months before returning to his native land as a result of ill health. Freds residential status is determined based on his stay in Australia and the residency test provides the fact that the tax liability is dependent on the circumstances of his stay. It also takes into the account that if an individual comes back to the nation of his origin then the occurrence, reliability and period concerning those journey and their objectives can be important feature. If the solitary reason behind an individual absence from Australia is business, this should not be enough to assist the claims that an individual is not an inhabitant. Hence, the degree of Freds commercial ties and his family in Australia is sufficient to be taxed under the Income Tax Act. Case study 2 Ordinary Income I. Californian Copper Syndicate Ltd v Harris (Surveyor of Taxes) (1904) 5 TC 159 The above stated case takes into the account the issues of realization of capital assets and whether such the income from the sale of property can be subjugated for its minerals in the form of ordinary income or capital. Law: The rulings provide the direction in determining the weather profits generated from isolated dealings are profits and are assessed under subsequent 25(1) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Arthur 2016). Isolated transactions can be defined as; Those transactions occurring outside the ordinary business transactions of a tax payer who is carrying out the trade and commerce activities and; Transactions, which are entered into non-business taxpayers. Outcome: The outcome of the case states that the taxpayer was assessable on the grounds of profits occurring from the sale of land in the form of profits that were of income nature. It is understood that the taxpayer was endeavoring to generate profits from the sale of land. It is understood that the taxpayer indicated that it never had adequate money to dig for mining on the land. According to the lord of Justice, it is understood that a well set of principle while dealing with the question of evaluation of Income tax. It is understood that the owner of an ordinary investment decides to comprehend it so that the taxpayer attains a higher price when he initially acquires it in improved cost and not the profit in the Sense of Schedule D of the Income Tax Act of 1842, which is assessable to income tax (Arthur 2016). I. Scottish Australian Mining Co Ltd v FC of T (1950) 81 CLR 188 The above-mentioned case considers the issues that are identified from business income and whether any subdivision or sale of land, which has been used for mine by the mining company and was assessable in the form of ordinary income or it was just the realization of capital. Law: Capital Gains Tax: A capital gains or capital loss can be made if a CGT event happens to any capital gains assets. As per section 108-5(1) of the income tax assessment act 1997 that a capital gains assets is described as any form of property or a legal equitable right which is not a property (Barnett and Harder 2014). Outcomes: The decision passed by authority can be long cited for the proposition that a meager realization of an asset in an enterprising way was on capital. It is understood that common law reports shows that the case took two long days to hear and the judgements was passed after six days. It clearly states that there cannot be a prolonged factual enquiry into the activities of the taxpayer or extensive disputes concerning the accounting and issues surrounded the case (Barnett and Harder 2014). The outcomes of this case state explain that a substantial commercial exercise was treated as a mere realization of capital assets. II. FC of T v Whit fords Beach Pty Ltd (1982) 150 CLR The case study takes into the account that whether the taxpayer was assessable on the grounds of profits on sale of subdivided land under section 25(1) or 26(a) or the tax payer was merely realizing the capital assets. Law: The rulings of this law offers direction in determining the proceeds generated from Isolated transactions are treated as income or assessable under subsection 25 (1) of the Income Tax Act Assessment Act 1936 (Fleischer 2015). The rulings on the other hand does not takes into the account the application of section 25 A of the capital gains and capital losses under provision (Part IIIA) or Division of Part III. Outcomes: As per the verdict passed by the Gibbs CJ, Mason, Murohy and Wilson JJ, the taxpayer was assessable on the ground of profits generated from the sale of land as defined under section 25 (1). The high court said that the profit had went beyond the merely realizing a capital asset and its activities which constituted on executing the business activities based on development of land. The profits derived from the sale of land was assessable under the second limb of section 26 (a) in the form of profit arising out of any undertaking or scheme. However, Gibbs and Mason J specifies that the second limb operates when section 25 (1) does not takes into account profits yielded from gross income (Fleischer 2015). The outcomes of this case states that profits was to be premeditated by subtracting from the gross proceeds generated from the sales value of land at the date when it was ventured in the taxpayers land expansion business. III. Statham Anor v FC of T 89 ATC 4070 The above-mentioned case study questions about the proceeds which is received from the disposal of the subdivided lots constitute quantifiable income under or either section 25 (1) or 26 (a). Law: Assessable income: Sales from subdivided land originally acquired and was used for farming along with the proceeds derived from carrying on a business represented any sheer realization of assets (Davison et al. 2016). Outcomes: The Federal Court ruled the net proceeds generated from the sale of subdivided land did not comprises of the taxable income under section 25 (1) or 26 (a). According to Woodward, Lockhart and Hartigan JJ it was well understood that meager sale of an asset on profit does not essentially render the taxable income. They stated that profit should arise from executing the business activities or any business undertakings (Davison et al. 2016). The mere degree of realization does not convert it into business undertakings or schemes however the scale of realization activities must be considered while determining the nature of undertakings under (ATC p 4075) IV. Casimaty v FC of T 97 ATC 5135 The above-mentioned case study determines the profit generated from subdivision and sale of parts of property which is assessable either under section 25 (1) or 25A. Law: The case study falls under the subheadings of assessable income, which defines the sales of subdivided land initially obtained and used for farming (Davison et al. 2016). The law questions whether the profits generated from executing business activities or from any mere realization of capital assets. Outcomes: The federal court ruled that the earnings was not derived from any commercial subdivision of land or from any profit making undertaking or scheme. The court ruled that the profits were derived from a part of mere realization of capital asset of the taxpayer. It is evident from the case that the taxpayer had always conducted his commercial activities of agricultural and fencing in collaboration with his wife and sons. However, the case ruled that he made no effort to bring Action View into account as a partnership asset (Davison et al. 2016). Nor the taxpayer seeks to claim the business expenses in the form of interest, which is borrowed to settle the sub divisional costs. The court passed the verdict by concluding that the action view was acquired by the tax payer with the objective of primary production that no profit from sales is assessable in accordance with the first limb of Section 25A (1). The court also ruled that neither did the second limb of sub-section have any applicatio ns as because sales did not take place during the business course on execution or carrying on of profit making scheme. V. Moana Sand Pty Ltd v FC of T 88 ATC 4897 The case study questions whether section 25 (1) or 26 (a) is applied to include the tax payer assessable income in contrast to the amount received by the tax payer from subtracting the relevant cost to derive the profit arising from the sale of land. Law: The ruling offers guidance in determining the profits generated from isolated income as to whether they are assessable under section 25(1) of the income tax Assessment Act 1936. However, it must be noted that the rulings does not takes into account the application of section 25A of the tax payers capital gains or capital losses under the provision (Part IIIA) or division 6A of Part III (Morse 2013). Outcomes: The court ruled that the amount received by the taxpayer was received in the form of isolated transactions. The relevant profit was considered as income in terms of the ordinary concept in compliance with the high court decision passed in FC of T v The Emporium LTD 87 ATC 4363 and hence it is constituted as assessable income under section 25(1). Under the given case, the taxpayer acquitted the land to work and sell the sand on the land and subsequently sell it on profit. The profit, which was generated from the resumption of land by the coast protection board, was still an assessable profit notwithstanding that the taxpayer had not originally intended to dispose of the land in this particular way but rather sold the land when it became mature for subdivision (Morse 2013). The court ruled that profit was also assessable under the second limbs of section 26 (a) as it aroused on the execution of profit making undertaking or scheme. VI. Crow v FC of T 88 ATC 4620 The above stated case questions the application of subsection 25 (1) or section 26 (a) of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 which operates to include under the heads of assessable income of the taxpayer profit derived by him from the sale of land near Hobart (Graham et al. 2012). Law: Assessable income: Sale of subdivided capital assets or land initially acquired and used for the purpose of farming along with the profits resulting from carrying on a business activity or illustrated a meager sale of a capital assets. Outcomes: The decision passed under the case was distinguished on the basis that the property was used in the form of mine for much longer time that the farming business activities in the current case. The court ruled that the taxpayer borrowed heavily to purchase five large blocks of land and then conducted farming activities (Graham et al. 2012). In the latter stages, the taxpayer sold off some of the portion of land and the taxpayer was assessable on the profit as he was carrying on a business of land development. VII. McCurry Anor v FC of T 98 ATC 4487 The above-mentioned case is questions the profit generated from the sale of land, which is taxable under section 25 (1). Law: Assessable income: The taxpayer are assessed under the section 25 (1) of the Income Tax Assessable Act 1936 on the profit from the sale of land on the basis that it was derived from a profit making undertaking scheme (Duncan 2012). However, this section is not applicable concerning the sale of property acquired on or after 20 September 1985. Outcomes: The case study reflects that taxpayers were brothers and used their own funds together with a loan from bank to purchase land on which an old house stood. The taxpayer on the other hand removed the old house, which enabled them to construct three townhouses on the land. The court ruled that if a belongings is obtained during the course of business or profitable dealing with the objective of gaining profit from its development of sale that business enterprise will not be considered as an investment and the proceeds generated is considered as income for the purpose of sec 25 (1) (Duncan 2012). The court rules that the taxpayer entered into the commercial dealings. The taxpayers were not carrying on a business activities and the profit assessable should have been derived from a transactions that can be described as a commercial dealings. Reference List Arthur, G., 2016. Tax files: Taxation duties of executors.Bulletin (Law Society of South Australia),38(2), p.28. Barnett, K. and Harder, S., 2014.Remedies in Australian Private Law. Cambridge University Press. Bryan, M., Degeling, S., Donald, S. and Vann, V., 2016.A Sourcebook on Equity and Trusts in Australia. Cambridge University Press. Burr, A. ed., 2016.Delay and disruption in construction contracts. CRC Press. Carter, J.W., 2013.The construction Davison, M., Monotti, A. and Wiseman, L., 2016.Australian intellectual property law. Cambridge University Press. Duncan, W.D., 2012.Joint ventures law in Australia. Federation Press. Ferran, E. and Ho, L.C., 2014.Principles of corporate finance law. Oxford University Press. Fleischer, V., 2015. Two and Twenty Revisited: Taxing Carried Interest as Ordinary Income Through Executive Action Instead of Legislation.Available at SSRN 2661623. Graham, J.R., Raedy, J.S. and Shackelford, D.A., 2012. Research in accounting for income taxes.Journal of Accounting and Economics,53(1), pp.412-434. Morse, S.C., 2013. Startup Ltd.: Tax Planning and Initial Incorporation Location.Fla. Tax Rev.,14, p.319. PATEL, D.J.I., 2016. Residential Status and Tax Incidence Under The Income Tax Act, FEMA and Companies Act.International Journal of Scientific Research,4(5). Ritchie, S., 2016. The interaction between the interest deductibility rules contained in the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962. Sackman, J., Van Brunt, R., Rohan, P.J. and Reskin, M., 2015.Tax Issues in Condemnation Cases(Vol. 7). Nichols on Eminent Domain. Schwieger, D. and Chen, S., 2013. Tax Consequences of Selling, Purchasing and Using State Income Tax Credits, The.J. Tax'n Fin. Products,11, p.9. Thampapillai, D., Tan, V., Bozzi, C. and Matthew, A., 2015.Australian Commercial Law. Cambridge University Press. Vermeulen, A., 2015. The tax treatment of rehabilitation liabilities assumed by the purchaser as part of the consideration given on the sale of mining property in terms of Section 37 of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962. Virgo, G., 2015.Principles of the Law of Restitution. Oxford University Press, USA.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

United States in the Views of Adam Smith and Karl Marx Essay Sample free essay sample

Introduction The aim is to analyze the United States political and economic system in the point of position of two outstanding economic minds. Adam Smith and Karl Marx. Both theories will be used to research the economic determinations of the United States discoursing scarceness. stakeholders and their influence on economic determinations. production and the usage of productive resources. Adam Smith-Biography Adam Smith. shown in Figure 1. was born in Kirkadly. Scotland in the twelvemonth of 1723. He graduated from the University of Glasgow at the age of 17 and his instructions and publications became good known. While going throughout Europe. he met many leaders known as physiocrats. whose beliefs influenced Smith. Adam was against the economic system of his coevals which was mercantile system. This system was successful when a state would export more than they import and they would restrict imports ensuing in money fluxing into the state and really small traveling out which making a more profitable state. We will write a custom essay sample on United States in the Views of Adam Smith and Karl Marx Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He believed that people should be allowed to work without any limitations and by making so. it work will in favor of the economic system. Smith’s economic theory was based on how individuals’ ego involvement benefits the economic system instead than the unreal Torahs enforced by the authorities. He wrote about his theories in his two most celebrated plants. The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations. Adam Smith died on July 17. 1790 ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . Karl Marx-Biography Karl Heinrich Marx. shown in figure 2. was born on May 5. 1818 in Rhineland. Germany. He studied doctrine and history at the University of Berlin. He received his doctors degree at the age of 23 and married two old ages subsequently. He was in resistance of the economic construction during his clip as it was based on nucleus capitalist rules. The rich get rich off the labor of the hapless. He was really much against the affluent life. besides known as the Bourgeoisie and supported the lower working category. known as the Proletariat. He started printing his socialist positions through columns to the populace and so he was shortly in problem with the authorities and was forced to go forth the state. He and Friedrich Engels joined together and wrote their theory of communism in The Communist Manifesto. They believed that the revolution of communism would get down after the Proletariat rise to the Bourgeoisie ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . History and Description of Government The United States became its ain state on July 4th 1776. which is now known as its Independence Day. after the American Revolution when they separated from the control of Great Britain ( Wikipedia History ) . The state established a kind of authorities called the Fundamental law of the United States in 1787 which allowed citizens equal rights and a implemented a guideline of their responsibilities as good. The Bill of Rights followed shortly after in 1791. amending that each person has certain rights that can non be taken off from them even by the authorities ( Wikipedia 2010 ) . It is apparent from the actions of the United States that the authorities was operated under many rules by Adam Smith. Leting citizens their rights demonstrates that a cardinal authorization will non be in power which was the beliefs of Karl Marx. Democracy was exhibited by the United States as people were given the power to vote and elect representatives for the state ( Wikipedia 2010 ) . Description of Eco nomy With a population of 310 million and a GDP of $ 14. 4 trillion. shown in figure 3. the United States ranks as one of the biggest human dynamo states in the universe. The economic construction that was foremost introduced by Alexandar Hamilton in the late seventeenth century has globally become the strongest system ( Wikipedia 2010 ) . The gross domestic merchandise measures the states overall value of economic production. The higher a states GDP is. the more profitable the economic system becomes ( Wikipedia 2010 ) . Adam Smith supported The Law of Population which shows an indirect correlativity between the production of a state and its population. For illustration. it is shown in figure 2 and 3 that both the GDP and population of the United States have increased over the past twosome of decennaries. This theory states that as production additions. employment will increase and companies will shortly increase the rewards of the workers they employ. As a consequence of higher rewards. citizens’ living conditions will better including being able to supply better wellness attention therefore. mortality rates decrease and population additions. In the United States this has been true as the lower limit pay has significantly increased from about $ 3. 35 to $ 7. 25 in the past twosome of decennaries which has been one of the causes for population to increase ( Wikipedia 2010 ) . Adam Smith’s rules are clearly apparent in the economic construction of the United States. He believed that self involvement. net income being the incentive. will overall profit the economic system presenting a â€Å"free market† where it is guided by supply and demand. The United States is a capitalist assorted economic system intending largely everything in the state is in private owned. This allows concerns to run and maintain net incomes nevertheless Karl Marx believed. capitalist economy will merely let the rich to acquire richer and the hapless get poorer. This theory is true in the United States because the authorities does non step in in production. The unseeable manus which is a theory Adam Smith believed will let the forces of the market to run its natural class. Factors such as supply. demand. competition will of course command the economic system which is why he believed Torahs should non curtail the market. The American economic system in private owns largely everything such as wellness attention ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . Health attention in the United States is one of the most profitable industries because everything must be paid for by citizens ( OECD ) . Unlike bulk of other to the full developed states that provide wellness attention to citizens. wellness attention installations are chiefly owned and run by the private sector ( Wikipedia 2010 ) . Shown in Figure 4. American citizens spend the most in the universe on wellness attention which proves a drawback for a capitalist economic system as citizens receive really small aid from the authorities. Use of Scarce Resources and its Effectss The theories of both economic experts did non straight see natural resources but with the pattern of their economic systems. the usage of trade goods can be analysed. Karl Marx believed that a cardinal authorization should command what to bring forth and how much of it would be based on the demands of its people ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . Demand does non come into drama in this theory because people are lasting on what is necessary and non on their wants. When analyzing the United States’ determinations on the usage of scarce resources. the market decides. In position of both minds. the United States follows more rules sing scarceness from Adam Smith than Karl Marx. Looking further in item at this theory. natural resources are non used as expeditiously if a state follows this economic theory. Operating under this system has proven to non be the most logical. If a state is bring forthing every bit much as consumers want of a merchandise. the scarce resource will shor tly plenty run out. As shown in figure 5 ( Ausubel ) . the entire backdown of H2O has been geometrically increasing for the last 100 old ages. The existent ingestion of H2O is much less ; showing that a big bulk of H2O is being wasted. At the rate that H2O is being used. it will run out and mankind will non be able to bring forth anything without it. Oil is another illustration of a trade good that is being over used for about everything. America imported about 3. 300. 000 1000 barrels of oil in the past twelvemonth ( U. S. 2010 ) . Consumer demand of oil is infinite ( shown in figure 6 ) and until it finishes. it will ever be in demand. The â€Å"free market† of the United States allows people to buy any trade good. even if supply is significantly diminishing ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . For illustration. oil is being used for transit. to fuel autos. trucks. aeroplanes. etc. Although it is allowed. it is non indispensable for everyone to buy a auto or a plane ticket. By making so. consumer’s desires and wants consequence in the unneeded ingestion of natural resources. While analyzing the scarceness i n a state. Karl Marx’s theory works better in favor of efficiency as natural resources will non be traveling to blow. given that in a communist economic system. the figure of goods being produced will merely be plenty to prolong human endurance and non their desires. His sentiment is that a cardinal authorization controls the basicss of production and duty is shared between all citizens every bit. The monetary value of goods will neer increase as consumers are non given the option to demand for manufacturers to raise monetary values ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . By runing under Adam Smith’s beliefs. the United States authorities is leting manufacturers to bring forth every bit much as possible so long as consumer demand is high. This will shortly plenty lead the United States to an economic crisis when a resource runs out and consumers will be left in the cold. If there was no more oil left in the universe. the most of import stakeholders that would be affected are the manufacturers and consumers. Oil pull outing companies will hold no supply and manufacturers would be forced to close down. Consumers will non be able to drive crude oil fuelled autos. aeroplane transit will be in arrest until other methods of fuelling aeroplanes are discovered and the authorities will no longer be having any money from oil revenue enhancements. Other industries would be affected as they will hold chances to make other goods and services that will replace the complimentary goods of oil. The auto industry will hold the greatest impacts as all auto ironss will hold one million millions of dollars in useless assets and engineering promotion in autos will be geared towards utilizing ethyl alcohol and electricity. If the United States decided to run under a communist society. stakeholders would non hold such an influence on concern determinations as opposed to a capitalist society because they do non hold control over the complete power over concern determinations against the authorities as they would hold in a capitalist society. Stakeholders would prefer following Adam Smith’s rules as they do non hold to stay by all authorities Torahs and have more of a say on what concern determinations occur. Fundamentalss of Production Adam Smith’s thought of the unseeable manus influenced a new type of authorities called â€Å"laissez faire† significance leave it entirely. He believed that the authorities should non curtail citizens with unreal Torahs as they are uneffective and natural Torahs should basically regulate the economic system. In this type of economic system. the authorities merely pose really few Torahs to forestall monopolies on consumer goods and productive resources ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . The United States market operates on these rules and the manufacturers and consumers are the 1s in control of the foundation of production. In the American economic system. the production of goods and services is chiefly based on the demands and wants of consumers. Karl Marx’s theory on what to bring forth is determined by the authorities based on the demands of the people ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . To find what merchandises should be produced. tendencies will be exa mined to analyze its influence on consumer wants. A tendency that played a important function in the music industry was the promotion in engineering of portable music participants. After the iPod and mp3 participants were introduced. they were in high demand ( shown in figure 7 ) and in the United States whatever is in demand is produced. Since the market’s demand of this merchandise increased. Apple created more iPods. Karl Marx’s theory opposes Adam Smith’s because alternatively of a â€Å"free market† ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . the authorities controls the market so tendencies would non hold an influence as consumers do non hold any say of the goods available to them. This economic system would hold a different consequence because stakeholders are non important to a concern as the authorities overrules them. Manufacturers would non be able to fulfill consumers or do determinations in the best involvement of their concern as they must stay by authorities orders in respects to production. Stakeholders are greatly affected by the influence of tendencies on client wants as they are financially involved with a business’ activities. For this illustration. record label companies. creative persons and electronic industries would be greatly affected by the demand of iPods. Recor d label companies and creative persons gross revenues will drop now that Cadmiums aren’t as popular. and electronic makers will be in demand. In the American economic system. every concerns end is to do money. In attempts of making so. concerns aim to minimise their disbursals which will maximise their net incomes. The agencies of how to bring forth goods and services are normally operated in the least dearly-won manner for the organisation. Depending on the concern. there are many different ways of how to bring forth. Adam Smith’s economic system leaves manufacturers and consumers to calculate it out on themselves which is how the United States economic system operates. Businesss have really few Torahs that they are required to follow on how they should bring forth which is an influenced communist rule. The mix of these rules from both theoreticians makes the American economic system assorted ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . The production of goods and services vary from industries. In the agribusiness industry for illustration. production is chiefly performed by manually reaping sometimes or machinery for lar ger farms. This is an illustration of free endeavor as the husbandman keeps all the net income. This same scenario would be much different if it was a communist economic system as the authorities would give the husbandman land and work but maintain a big part of the net incomes. The difference between these two economic systems is that in a communist economic system the authorities would direct what to bring forth and how much of it to bring forth which besides means consumers do non hold limitless supply of goods and everything is shared every bit with the community ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . Throughout the Industrial Revolution during the eighteenth century. mills started going more efficient with production with the usage of machinery. Goods were being mass produced and manual labor was diminishing ( Hooker ) . The degree of efficiency in production was increasing. there was division in labor and single specialisation was being recognized. Peoples started working in Fieldss that they were more efficient working in and as a consequence. better quality of goods were being produced. This has more of a positive consequence in Adam Smith’s theory since everyone is working in the best involvement of themselves where as in position of Karl Marx’s. the authorities commands people what to make which will non let them to thrive ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . Karl Marx believed that capitalist economy forced bondage amongst the hapless. He witnessed workers being exploited and the rich were merely acquiring wealthier off the labor of the hapless ( Kuhn ) . Thi s has been an ongoing uninterrupted job that is a consequence of a capitalist economic system like the United States. Marx believed in two thoughts which he called labour value and excess value. The labour value implies that the value of any point is determined by the value of labor. The worker puts the value on the point as they are the 1 who produced it. For illustration. in the United States. the Nike Company pays kids 2 cents a twenty-four hours to bring forth multiple braces of places and Nike makes a net income on norm of $ 30 per shoe. In this theory. the $ 30 that is made in net income should hold been $ 30 more the kid makes so $ 32. 02 since they prepared that shoe ( Azam ) . The excess value implies that net income made from the good should travel back to the laborer or else the company is fundamentally stealing from the worker. The United States works against this theory as everyone is forced work in the best involvement of themselves ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . Who to bring forth for is left for consumers and manufacturers to find. The United States authorities does non direct concerns who they can sell their goods and services to. Businesss have speci fic mark markets and produce harmonizing to the demands and wants of their consumers. Adam Smith is supportive of this system but Karl Marx would reason that this would pervert the economic system. Harmonizing to him. a cardinal authorization should command who goods are produced for. This theory may prolong the economic system longer than Adam Smith’s since natural resources are used more expeditiously ( Bolotta. Hawkes. Mahoney. Piper ) . It has been demonstrated in the United States that leting concerns to bring forth for whomever is non really logical. For illustration. bulk of the American population is now addicted to fast nutrient. Children have been raised around fast nutrient since they can walk which is accordingly ensuing in the high per centum of fleshiness. As demonstrated in figure 8. the per centum of fleshiness in American population has been significantly increasing. This proves that the United States giving concerns such as fast nutrient ironss complete control over who to sell to has become a disadvantage in this instance. This may non be an issue in a communist society. as the cardinal authorization would regulate who concerns can sell to and if they could curtail kids from fast nutrient. this would non hold been an issue. Decision In decision. the United States economic and political system is much more clearly influenced by the rules of Adam Smith. However. it has been revealed that some of these theories are non the most rational for the United States economic system to be runing under as it has many current and possible hazards which may take the state into an economic crisis. Though. the U. S. has become a assorted economic system and does run under a few communist rules. the foundation of the economic system relies on capitalist economy. Plants Cited Print BeginningsBolotta. Angelo. Charles Hawkes. Rick Mahoney. and John Piper. Economic Now Analyzing Current Issues. Toronto: Oxford University Press. 2002. 48-50. 55-58. Print. Web BeginningsGuisepi. R. A. â€Å"The United States of America. † History-World n. pg. Web. 22 Sep 2010. .â€Å"US Economic Profile. † Economy Watch n. pg. Web. 21 Sep 2010. .Azam. Faraz. â€Å"NIKE: Nike Shoes and Child Labor in Pakistan. † TED Case Studies n. pg. Web. 22 Sep 2010. . â€Å"Economy of the United States. † Wikipedia( 2010 ) : n. pg. Web. 22 Sep 2010.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Write a Thesis in Leadership Studies Step-by-step Guide for Students

How to Write a Thesis in Leadership Studies Step-by-step Guide for Students Looking for recommendations on writing a thesis in Leadership Studies? The concept of leadership has generated great interest and debate and due to the complexity of this subject, there is no general consensus on its field of analysis. That’s why writing about leadership can be really challenging. In this article, you will find a full step-by-step guide on how to write a thesis in Leadership studies that covers writing specifics of this field of studies, tips on choosing a good topic, approach to planning a thesis and making an outline, advice on writing different thesis chapters, editing, and proofreading, Besides, we offer you a shortlist of 15 powerful topics. If you need advice on writing another type of paper, here you can find a lot of full guides to all writing assignments out there. Specifics of Writing a Thesis in Leadership Studies Leadership in human groups is a universal phenomenon and is the subject of Leadership Studies. Leadership Studies are multi-disciplinary in nature and try to answer a lot of questions for example: Why is leadership important? What motivates leaders? Are leaders born? What moral dilemmas do leaders face? The course studies the meaning of leadership within different social contexts – in a team, family, state, multinational corporation, university, etc. The goal of this field of study is to understand the relationships between leaders and their followers. Many of the questions can’t be fully answered but students are encouraged to critically analyze these issues and write about them creating a strong logical argument. Learning about leadership theories, skills, and styles can help you better understand what it takes to be an effective leader in your student and future professional career. The goal of thesis writing is to produce an original piece of research work on a specific clearly defined topic. Writing a thesis in Leadership Studies requires the ability to work independently and is a chance to put students’ innovativeness to test while defining and solving a practical problem. It’s critical to make real-life connections and apply different leadership theories to real-life displays of leadership. Your thesis in Leadership Studies has to demonstrate this approach. Remember that writing in humanities and social sciences relies heavily on applying theories to practice and Leadership Studies is no exception to this rule. How to Choose an Interesting Topic for a Thesis in Leadership Studies When you think about a topic for your original research, it’s important to choose a subject that you are interested in because a thesis is a lengthy project and you will easier stay motivated if you work on something you are passionate about. Choosing a topic for your thesis in Leadership Studies may take some time because there are many aspects of this subject that may pick your interest. That’s why you should start thinking about selecting a topic as early as possible. Can explore different leadership styles, investigate the role of gender in leadership, examine different organizational leadership theories and how they can be applied in real life, create case studies about influential leaders like Mahatma Gandhi or Mother Theresa and try to answer a highly debatable question of whether leadership abilities are innate or people can be taught to be leaders. Here is a shortlist of interesting topic ideas for your consideration: Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Motivation; Changes in Leadership Behavior of Students; European Perspective on Leadership in Health Care; Methods Related to Study of Leadership; Leadership as a Group Process; Development of Leadership Theories; Leadership in The USA Organizations; Leadership in Mass Campaigns; How Effective are Managerial Leadership Programs? Transactional-transformational Leadership Paradigm; Theory of Transformational Leadership; Collective Leadership in Public Administration; Business Ethics and Moral Leadership; Leadership Styles of Different Generations; Current Leadership Theories. Write a Research Question/ Thesis Statement You can’t start a research process without writing a research question which will help you focus your research and provide a path through the writing process. It will help you create a specific arguable thesis statement like this one: ‘Leadership is the key factor in organizational effectiveness and transactional and transformational leadership styles have a great impact on organizational performance in business corporations as well as on achieving their business objectives.’ When you have chosen a broad topic, you should do some preliminary research to narrow your focus. You should find out what issues researchers and scholars are discussing when it comes to your thesis topic. Try to identify gaps in existing researches to identify possible areas for your study. Start asking yourself open-ended ‘how’ and ‘why’ questions about your topic and evaluate them to understand whether these questions would be effective or you need to revise and refine them. For example, you may ask: ‘How does transactional leadership style affect the performance in the public sector?’ or ‘Why does transformational leadership style helps achieve business goals?’ Make sure that your research question is clear to help you direct your research and specific enough to be covered in your thesis paper. Your research question should be complex and require in-depth research and thoughtful analysis. Create an Outline of Your Thesis Your thesis in Leadership Studies should have a logical structure. For example, you can present your information in a chronological order in which you performed your research but it’s not obligatory to organize your thesis this way. But you should make it clear to your readers why and how your analysis answers your research question and solves the problem that you set out to solve. It’s important to outline the key points and provide a concise summary of your research. A typical thesis is Leadership Studies should contain the following content: Title page; Table of contents which shows page numbering of chapters; Abstract of about 250-350 words; Introduction that outlines your paper as a whole; The literature review that provides the background for your research; The main body that consists of substantive chapters; The discussion that puts your argument together; Conclusions and recommendations for further research; Bibliography; Appendices. Recommendations on Writing Different Chapters of a Thesis in Leadership Studies The abstract is an important component of your thesis because it’s the first part that most people read. That’s why you should do your best to make a great impression on your readers. The abstract is a brief summary of your research where your readers can find answers to the key questions about the work you have done in your thesis. You should inform about what you did, what question you are trying to answer, what methods you used for your research, and what are your key results. You should avoid writing general statements and focus on communicating the facts. One half of your abstract should be dedicated to summing up and interpreting your results. You should make sure you don’t include any unnecessary information in this part of your project. The introduction should introduce your readers to the research you have conducted and tell them about its significance by providing some background information. You need to describe the problem you will be trying to solve and explain why it’s important. Your introduction may include the following points listed below: General topic and the background information; Review of the relevant literature on your topic; Definition of the key terms; Research problem/research question; Research goals; Hypothesis; Outline of the research methods. The literature review is the chapter where you need to evaluate the previous research on the topic of your thesis. Its goal is to summarize and synthesize the arguments and ideas of other people without adding any new contribution to this part of your thesis. You should tell about well-established research on your topic and organize your material around key debates or themes or present your sources chronologically. You can also use the methodological approach and explain different methods used in Leadership Studies to research the problems. You need to identify the gap in the research on your topic and make an attempt to fill it with your study. This chapter should be about 15-35% of the whole thesis. The methodology section of a thesis is likely to the most challenging part of your final project. You should outline which methods you used in your paper to answer the initial research question. This will allow your readers to critically evaluate the overall reliability and validity of your research. Actually, you will need to answer 2 questions: How did you collect data? And how did you analyze your data? You should also explain the reasons why you selected a particular technique or procedure and describe potential limitations that could affect your data collection. You should provide enough information about the methods you used to allow other researchers to replicate your methodology. The results section should present your finding in a logical order without interpretation or bias. You need to present facts of your research in relation to your hypotheses or research question. You should be concise and use figures and tables to present your findings more effectively. Don’t any raw data in this section and avoid reporting data which is not important for answering your research question. In the Discussion chapter, you need to discuss your findings. You should comment on your results and explain what they mean. Analyze how they support the research that you presented in your literature review and what contribution your study makes to the literature. You should also interpret your results in a wider context and determine which results were expected or unexpected. Identify the limitations of your research and tell if any questions remain unanswered. In the Conclusion, you need to present concise statements about your key findings from a perspective of your hypothesis and objectives. You should also tell about your contribution to the previous research and emphasize the significance of your findings, including the limitations of your study. Finally, you can provide suggestions for further research. Revise the Draft When you finish writing a draft of your thesis in Leadership Studies, you should put it away for a couple of days and then reread it and find areas for revision. This will allow you to see your work objectively and notice any gaps or problems. You should reconsider your arguments, review your evidence, refine your purpose, reorganize your presentation, and improve your style. You may need to reorganize paragraphs and reword sentences in order to develop your ideas in more detail. Besides, you may need to provide more evidence to support your argument or delete some unnecessary information. You should check your thesis for consistent use of tenses, voice, and referencing style. Proofread Your Thesis in Leadership Studies The final step in polishing your thesis is proofreading. You need to examine your thesis carefully in order to find and fix typographical errors, and mistakes in grammar and spelling. You should make corrections at the sentence and word level only when you have revised the larger aspects of your text and are satisfied with the development and organization of the whole thesis, its sections, and paragraphs. You’d better put your paper aside for a while so it will be easier for you to see different minor mistakes and typos. It’s better to proofread on a printed copy of your thesis and not on the computer screen. If you typically make a lot of mistakes, you should check for each type of error separately rather than trying to fix everything at once. You can use different techniques to do that. For example, you can read your thesis sentence by sentence to check for fragments and then read it again backward to check the subject and verb agreement. You should proofread thorough ly and systematically or you can miss some important details that should be changed. Proofreading is the last stage in the writing process of your thesis in Leadership Studies. Follow our easy recommendations and you are sure to do it right and to succeed in making the final copy of your thesis paper the best it can be. We hope that our complete writing guide will help you create an interesting thesis full of original ideas and impress your committee.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Law and Ethics Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Law and Ethics Assignment - Essay Example 249-253, 2005). However, the modern market environment has altered the true essence and fundamental nature of competition and has given a shape of cruel war and fight amongst rivalries where everybody existing in the global market wants to gain the competitive edge over others. In addition, their prime motive had turned out to generate profit with acceleration at any cost and has become the leading cause of organisational effectiveness. This shifting in the global economies and recession on a worldwide basis has become one of the dominant reasons of the changing perceptions and mindsets of the business (Maheshwari, pp. 30-31, 2005). As profit maximisation has become their primary source of organisational effectiveness due to utter competition in the recent times, therefore, enterprises are moreover focusing and emphasising on business process reengineering and through innovative ideas and strategies developing their products and services into an exclusive and inimitable one (Kotler & Armstrong, pp. 293- 300, 2008). Furthermore, business owners also view the profit as a valuable and powerful source of judgment, assessment, and analysis of the organisation’s effectiveness. While living in a society or a community, people comes under coercion to follow some norms and rules, which becomes their part of their inheritance, in the same manner, ethical principles or business ethics are also congenital in the world of commerce. In addition, these norms and values come under the definition with right and wrong and the people in the business community have to peruse a couple of elementary and vital ethics of impartiality,...4-11, 2007). The performance, actions and the conduct of the people in the business community comes under dominance and supremacy by the morality and the values of the business ethics. One of the facets of the professional ethics, business ethics, or corporate ethics highlights the significance of moral values, conducts, conventionalities, issue s, and difficulties that may emerge and derive in a trading situation or climate (Jones & Parker & Bos, pp. 12-18, 2005)...

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A Brief for a financial case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A Brief for a financial case - Essay Example However, in the past few months, the market share of Teletech Corporation failed to maintain pace with general stock market and with the telecommunication business index. Security forecasters had commented on the company’s uninspiring rates of return, particularly in comparison with the strong competition in telecommunication industry as well as unsatisfactory financial performance in the product and system division (Bruner, R. F., â€Å"Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation†). The product and system division was recognized as industrial leader in the telecommunication business and maintenance of this leadership status necessitates substantial outlay in research and development. As the entry of numerous companies in the telecommunication sector improved, the technological transformation and competition had also raised considerably. Converting the mission statement of Teletech Corporation into real world performance had become a difficult task for Margaret Wetson, the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Teletech Corporation in order to maintain its position in the market. Therefore, first significant requirement was to create a value of the company. In order to create value, Teletech had implemented economic profit as a measure of developing strategic decision regarding capital distribution, promotion, and incentive recompense (Bruner, R. F., â€Å"Case Studies in Finance: Managing for Corporate Value Creation†). The other method for value creation was evaluation of capital investment offers by using the hurdle rate. Hurdle rate is helpful for providing an amount of net present value (NPV) of each offer. The implementation of hurdle rate has become an issue of conflict within the senior managers of Teletech Corporation. The Vice President of telecommunication service division, Rick Phillips had depicted that without hurdle rate the threat of investment cannot be managed and telecommunication service segment will face lack of capital. He

Monday, November 18, 2019

Interview with Accident Victim Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interview with Accident Victim - Essay Example However, there was nitrogen inside the pipe as it had been formerly connected to the oxygen feed mixer. As there was no warning sign indicating it as a confined space or to indicate that the pipe contained nitrogen, the workers had no way to identify its presence. Worsening the situation, nitrogen cannot be detected using human senses as it is both odorless and tasteless. Admittedly, nitrogen is potentially dangerous at high concentrations as it causes asphyxiation. As the workers entered the pipe and as they covered the mouth of the pipe with plastic sheet, they were overcome by nitrogen. When one of their coworkers looked into the pipe through an opening in the plastic sheet, he found both of them lying unconscious. Immediately, the plant emergency response team was informed. They arrived and took both of the workers out of the pipe. They were given cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Thereafter, they were transferred to hospital by ambulance. Both of them were in critical condition and were given oxygen therapy for about a week. Thereafter, he was released and took a week’s rest at home. In total, the person lost about two week’s work. Soon, there was an OSHA visit and the company was fined for the accident. In addition, the company was made to improve its safety standards immediately.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Segregation Of Public Schools Effects On Student Achievement Education Essay

Segregation Of Public Schools Effects On Student Achievement Education Essay School systems across the U.S. are voluntarily segregating their schools and schools may be more segregated today than they were at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. There is overwhelming evidence that segregation is a toxic social issue that serves to fortify discriminatory viewpoints and attitudes that negatively affect particular populations of people and innately puts Black and Latino students at a disadvantage, weakening facets of social capital in these students neighborhoods and further widening the life-long achievement gap between these students and their White counterparts. Black students continue to score lower than White students on standardized tests are underrepresented in institutions of higher learning and achieve overwhelmingly lower rates of wealth. This research will evaluate the affect of racial segregation on student academic achievement, which for purpose of this research will include standardized testing performance as well as attributes of social mobility, in order to identify the best model for U.S. school systems that fosters equity in access to resources and high student achievement. In the present paper, several case studies that investigate the learning outcomes and academic achievement in segregated schools are evaluated. From review of these case studies a hypothesis can be formed that states that racial segregation is detrimental to non-white students, particularly Blacks and Latinos. The following literature reviews demonstrate and support this hypothesis. The studies conclude that students who attend primarily minority schools are not as well prepared for post-secondary education and that this achievement gap is directly related to the degree to which they experienced segregation. The research also shows that all student benefit from diversity in their school setting; White students are also disadvantaged by re-segregation of schools. Review of Literature In a research article by Jones-Sanpei (2009), the research first identifies specific overarching goals of public education. The goals of education that this study evaluated are individual outcomes (academic achievement and job readiness) community outcomes (parental empowerment and social capital networks) and, individual social outcomes, such as future political engagement, social skills, and civic skills. Secondly the Jones-Sanpei research discussed the theory and research surrounding social capital and used data from five southern school districts and matching data from the 2000 Social Capital Community Benchmark Survey (SCCBS), (7) to examine the relationship between community social capital and segregated public schools. The study concluded by speculating about the potential effect of re-segregating public schools on both community and individual social capital. The Jones-Sanpei study stated that several factors promote student individual academic outcomes, which are usually measured by standardized exam scores. According to Jones-Sanpei (2009), student individual academic outcomes rely heavily on teacher attributes, pedagogical philosophy (teaching styles), and school structure. The study also takes into consideration school-mixed factors (community measures) such as parental involvement, curriculum funding, equity issues and community involvement, deemphasizing the practice of using solely standardized testing models to quantify students learning outcomes and student potential future competitiveness. The literature further legitimizes the importance of community measures as important outcomes of public education. Specific forms of social capital that may be fostered by public education include obligations and expectations among a network of individuals, information channels, and social norms. Social capital enables community members to tru st one another, establish business and political organizations, and to be involved in public education. Interactions through the public school medium have the potential to increase the general social capital of a community. (Jones-Sanpei, 2009). The Jones-Sanpei study looked at two large southern school districts from 1992/1998 through 2005. The six school districts included in this analysis all had between 50,000 and 125,000 students in the 2005-2006 school-year. Additional community measures included the percent of each racial group in the community; mean community education, mean community income, and population density based on 1990 Census data. Community social capital measures tested by the study were interracial friendships, informal socializing and social trust. To test the hypothesis that communities with segregated public schools have lower community social capital, the study used t-tests, then used logistic regression to examine which social capital measures contributed to the interracial friendship measure. The findings of the study were that residents of communities with higher levels of school district segregation reported significantly lower levels of general social trust while communities with less segregated school districts reported significantly more social trust. Furthermore, respondents with higher general social trust were twenty-nine percent more likely to report having interracial friendships than respondents who reported lower general social trust. The findings support the hypothesis that segregated schools put children at a disadvantage for competing with their peers who will later have to work in a diverse society. It may be that community social capital influences local school district policymaking with respect to racial integration or that district segregation influences community social capital. In conclusion, there seems to be a relationship between district segregation and community indicators of social capital. ( Jones-Sanpei, 2009) The (Goldsmith, 2009) study of the affect of re-segregation of public schools focused on the long-term effects of this segregated schooling on achievement levels of Black and Latino students. The study used longitudinal data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988 which surveyed a sample of eight graders from across the U.S. in the spring of 1988. Students were resurveyed in 1990, 1992, 1994 and 2000. The NELS:88 data is relevant research about educational processes and outcome which include student learning, predictors of dropping out and effects on students access to equal education. Studying the minority-concentration and educational-attainment relationship is important because racial  segregation results  in  blacks and Latinos attending  schools  and living in neighborhoods with higher proportions of minorities than whites. (Goldsmith, 2009, 4) This study hypothesized that segregation perpetuates racial inequality and that the percentage of black or Lati no in a neighborhood negatively affects individuals educational achievement. The focus of ( Goldsmith, 2009) was the circumstances surrounding segregated schools, and possible causes of the segregation. This research summarized findings of previous studies and found that The racial segregation of neighborhoods is principally responsible for the racial segregation of schools (Goldsmith, 2009, p10).that show that schools that attempted to change from white, segregated schools to integrated schools had high rates of teachers and staff who reported that they did not receive adequate training to teach in integrated settings. Goldsmith also concluded that schools of segregated populations of Black and Latino students were less likely to graduate from high school and attain a bachelors degree than students in predominantly white schools. Empirical data from previous studies was analyzed the correlation between segregated neighborhoods, segregated schools and educational outcomes. This research supports earlier discussed hypotheses of segregations affect on individua l achievement and community social capital by analyzing the validity of the perpetuation theory. This theory maintains that Blacks and Latinos who experience segregation in schools and their communities continue to be segregated in other social institutions over the course of their lives fail to develop networks with whites or the knowledge for developing these networks. These networks are important because they carry high-status knowledge, for example, about college admission procedures. An inability to form social ties with whites and to access information in white networks reduces the life chances of blacks and Latinos well after adolescence. (Goldsmith, 2009, p10). Goldsmith, 2009 also presents reason for future research to study schools in predominantly minority neighborhoods as it would provide valuable data on effects of segregation on student achievement. The method for this research included NELS data as stated before as well as an analysis of students residential zip code areas retrieved from eth 1990 and 1992 census reports. The research conducted by (Austin, A M, 2008) clearly lays out data for the correlation between segregated schools and achievement on non-white students. The weight of the findings in this study further legitimize the importance of the two previous studies discussion of the long-term, quality of life disparities caused by the lack-luster community social capital of students in segregated schools and segregated neighborhoods. The main focus of this research was to compare the grade point averages of white male and female students to the grade point averages of male and female minority students. The students high school GPAs are then used a measure to project future college achievement by race. This research also supports the research presented by the NELS, clearly stating that racial segregation in schools across the U.S. directly affects minority students ability to compete in institutions of higher learning and eventually in the job market. (Austin, A M, 2008) found that the gap between white and minority students is about 11.2% of the average GPA. This study also looked at the effect of different environmental factors faced by minority students, specifically their segregation in early years of schooling, to explain the academic performance gap that existed once they reached the post-secondary level. Like previously reviewed studies, this study sound that minority students tend to live in segregated neighborhoods and attend segregated schools. This fact put minority students at a grave disadvantage at the post-secondary education level. For the research, student performance was tracked over a period of 6 years of 1331 public school students from the State of Georgia who enter the University of West Georgia in the Fall semester of 2001. Of the 1331 students in the study, 60% are female, 75.1% are white, 20.4% are black and the remaining students are Asian (1.1%), Hispanic (1.4%), Native American (0.4%) and multi-racial ( 1.7%). The average high school GPA is 3.01, and the average SAT scores are 502 for the verbal test, and 497 for the math. The study by (Massey, 2006) reported that 2/3 of African American lived under conditions of high racial segregation, and that 2/3 of all African Americans attended minority dominant schools. Masseys study focused on the academic achievement of 3924 students entering 28 selective universities in the Fall semester of 1999. He surveys these freshmen and assembles a data set on social conditions in neighborhoods and high schools and finds that minority students from segregated backgrounds attended substandard schools, received lower quality instruction, were exposed to higher levels of disorder and violence, and were less prepared socially for campus life. (Massey, 2006, 6) By looking at the reported performance of these students over their first three semesters in college, Massey concluded that segregation has a significant impact on student achievement. He estimated that going from total integration to total segregation would lower GPAs by about 0.13, and that taking segregated backgro unds into account reduces the performance gap, but doesnt completely eliminate it. He also predicts that, because his data is from highly selective schools, in general the effect will be worse. The study by (Condron, 2009) found that the number one cause of the achievement gap between minority students and white students is racial segregation in the schools. This study cited the social and economic stratification (social capital) between black and white Americans as a barrier to student achievement in schools and later as adults. This research used 1st grade data from a longitudinal study of a pre-kindergarten cohort and found that segregated schools cause an elevated role in the academic achievement gap as well as in social class disparities. This studys approach to the research differed from most by looking at social class as it directly correlates with race as opposed to looking at race as a sole determining factor of socio-economic status. This approach allowed the researcher to take into account that children growing up in different positions in the stratification hierarchy have categorically unequal and qualitatively different (rather than continuously graded) life and educational experiences [and that] poverty involves distinct material hardships and environmental disadvantages that may stunt poor childrens cognitive development (Condron, 2009, p9). This research also went deeper into the school-level practices that attribute to student achievement gap more so than the other literature reviewed here. In addition to looking at social capital, which other studies also did, this study analyzed organizational processes, teacher attributes and resources at the schools, in relation to student body composition. This study found that racially segregated schools had poor administrative cohesion, poorly developed staff, and substandard resources for students. In conclusion, the research is clear that despite historic Supreme Court victories to desegregate U.S. public schools, the workforce may be integrated but our neighborhoods and schools are not. There needs to be more research done in the way of showing more qualitative data of the future overall individual achievement of minority students who attend predominantly minority schools, segregated from white students. This should be done so that that one of two things can take place. Either a de-segregation movement in education reform policy needs to be pushed through or schools that remain segregated need to be brought up to the same standards of predominantly white, high performing school. It has already been proven that this has a significant impact on students in two ways. The first solution may prove more favorable as research also provides evidence that a diverse school environment benefits both minority and white students alike. The study will seek to provide to answer these specific questions: What is the perspective of individual teachers of the effects of their students culture, class, and gender on their academic performance? How do students view their race and the race of their classmates as factors that affect their academic achievement and overall academic experience? How do students and teacher talk about racial inequality in their school? How does school segregation affect both white and non-white students? The proposed study will help bring awareness to these critical points. Methodology For my study I will use two New York City schools, both on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. One school is a charter school where of the 380 students, 43% are black, 29% are Hispanic, 1% are White and 1% are Asian (information for the ethnicities of the other 25% was not provided at time of this proposal). 100% of the students who attend this k-5 school qualify for free lunch based on government poverty guidelines. The math and reading scores are high, among the best in the city ( The other schools, a pubic school under the department of education, demographics is such: of 336 students, 13% black, 36% Hispanic, 34%White, 13% Asian ( The math and reading scores at this school are less than stellar. I will select 15 respondents from each school for the interview; three students from each grade, grade 3 through 5, one Black, one White and one Asian. I will select two teachers from each grade level. Teachers i n both upper and lower elementary school will be chosen and their ethnicities will be mixed to mirror those of the students being interviewed. This will be done to ascertain whether there are common themes in regards to perspective of race and students achievement amongst the teachers in terms of their ethnic background. The teachers will be selected based on the test score of their students from previous years; teachers with high results for student achievement will be selected. Data will be collected through interviews and observations. The interviews will be open-ended. They will focus on biographical information, what populations they have the most experience teaching, what they felt contributed to their success and trends in academic achievement they notice among the students they have worked with. They will also be asked general questions about how they prepare themselves to be culturally aware, how they address diversity or multiculturalism in the classroom and how they communicate expectations to their students. A sample of interview questions for the teachers that will be used: 1. Tell me about yourself? (Where are you from, upbringing, culture, why you chose to be a teacherà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) 2. Have you been to any professional development workshop about diversity in the classroom? 3. How do you think your background and/or teacher training influence how you interact with students? (Your rapport with the students, communication style, your ethnic background in comparison to your students) 4. Do you set high expectations in your classroom? Why? Why not? 5. Do your expectations change depending on the demographics of your class? A sample of interview questions for the students that will be used: 1. Do you spend time with kids who are different from you in school? How are they different? 2. What is it like to go to school with these kids? 3. Do you have friends that attend another school? What is it like for them? 4. Does your teacher set high expectations for you? 5. Is school difficult for you? Why or why not? 6. Do you ever feel that you are different from your classmates or teachers? How? The teachers will be observed and video taped for ten hours in the span of three months. During the observations the researchers will take specific notes in regards to the teachers behavior and interaction with students. Potential codes that may arise include: expectations, communication, empathy and rapport. The researchers will look at the data identify overarching themes that speak to the effects of the shift to re-segregation of public schools. The data will be studied to see how the experiences of students in racially diverse school settings differ from those in segregated school settings and how this experience may translate to differences in academic achievement and components of the social capital theory, specifically, obligations and expectations among a network of individuals, information channels, and social norms. The committee will also seek to see if there are common themes in regards to the teachers ethnicity and professional development in regard to their cultural sensitivity. They will look at how the perspectives and identity of the teachers reflects how they approach diversity in the classroom and how they transmit information about a variety of topics, and how they set expectations for their students depending on students race. Discussion This research will clearly show that re-segregation is a problem that needs to be taken under control. This research is not only concerned with academic achievement affected by segregation, but is also concerned with students and teachers experience and perspective of race in the school. The data collected will tell the story of what effect race has on a school community and the whole educational experience of students. I expect to find that in the charter school where students are segregated in that there is a very small percentage of white students and there is less of a mixed demographics, that teachers are under-prepared to teach in classrooms where their students race is different from their own. I also expect to find that these teachers have had little or no professional development for fostering cultural sensitivity in their classrooms. Most importantly, I expect to find that teachers expectations and perception of student achievement in the charter school will be inconsistent, and differ from those of teachers in the public school where there is a more diverse student population and that their attitudes will decrease the effectiveness of their classroom instruction, thereby hindering the academic achievement of their students. Another expected result of this research is that students of different races will have significantly different responses to the question of what their teachers expectations. I expect that while teachers may report that they have the same expectations for all of their students, interview responses from students may very well reveal that students are intuitive and sensitive to the differences in teacher expectation that may be communicated through subtle teacher behavior like how much they are encouraged to participate in class discussions compared to other students. Possible shortcomings of the methods in this proposed study are that this data collected in the manner previously stated does not provide true longitudinal data to track specific students experiences of racial integration or segregation and their resulting academic achievement beyond elementary school. A longitudinal study may follow this study in the future. Further considerations for methodology that may affect the outcomes of this study are the affect of overall student interracial experiences. Limitations to the proposed research methods are that no data will be collected that gives researchers information for what the out-of-school experiences for the students are; do they live in diverse neighborhoods or segregated communities? What are their parent interracial relationships and/or experiences that may inform them? In future research data may be collected on the degree to which students are segregated outside of school. To collect this data, student enrollment records would have to be collected, tracking the students by race and places of residence, which can be generally identified by area zip codes. The possible problem with collecting this data may be that some students actually live outside the neighborhood listed on records. This could affect the findings of this research by misrepresenting the correlation between in-school seg regation and neighborhood segregation that affect overall student segregation and academic performance. Another limitation of the interview method to collect data in this study is that students and teachers may answer as they feel they are expected to. This would make the data collected by interview about teacher rapport with students and expectations of students achievement inconsistent with data that may be collected through formal observations by researcher. As we see more school reforms that resemble business models and more charters, we also see more segregation. One possible implication of this research is that charter, which appear to contribute heavily to the re-segregation, will come under more stringent scrutiny and closer regulation. As for public schools that are a part of the board of education. Other possible implications of this research are that administrations will consider more professional development training for their teachers in eth way of preparing them to teach their diverse or non-diverse populations. As stated in the introduction of this proposal, one of the goals of public schooling is to produce critical thinkers who can function in what is becoming a more diverse global job market. Having said this, it is foreseeable that this research will be used to inform schools and educators to the extent to which they are meeting this requirement of public schooling or missing the mark. There sill also be a shift in the conversations that surround race in the school. Through the information gathered from the interview responses, teachers and administration will become aware of the disconnect between students experiences and teachers perception of students experiences.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Teaching Philosophy Statement :: Education Teachers Essays

Teaching Philosophy Statement Children by nature are human sponges. They absorb information on many different levels, intellectually, emotionally, physically, etc. Their lives are mapped out by experiences, what they learn, and where they learn it. School is the first opportunity for children to learn, to experience, and to see where their lives are headed. All children have the right to an education. One that focuses on their individual needs and an education that will make them learn and feel good about themselves. School should always be challenging. Children need to understand that they are responsible for who they are and who they become. They need to be taught that school is the beginning step to success. The more you learn and absorb the more power and opportunities you will have later in life. Between knowledge and self-esteem (that should be taught in schools), kids should be able to walk away from high school with the knowledge that they have developed and a head full of ideas on where to go from there. People as a society need to raise the bar on our educational standards. The teaching styles that were seen as exceptional in the 1950’s should not be seen as exceptional today. Kids need to be taught that they can reach for the stars and beyond. Everyone is special and with work can have the same opportunities as anyone else. Education is a tool that provides many aspects of learning into a nicely gift-wrapped package. Education teaches skills that help children move from grade to grade but also from childhood into adulthood with acute readiness. Education is important not only for the knowledge that is obtained, but also for the value it holds in today’s society. Jobs are not as obtainable as they once were without some form of higher education. Education is also important because it brings people together. Families are able to communicate with more ease. Nations are able to trade and help in times of need. Learning is education and the education of learning starts in the classroom. In my classroom I hope to accomplish all the textbook materials for the grade I am teaching so that my students may advance to the next grade level with ease. I also hope to accomplish new fun ways of teaching my students self-discipline and self-esteem. Teaching children at such a young age is crucial. I believe that early education teachers help to pave a student’s road through school and life.